You are currently viewing PORTOCAL Crypto will support on demand and free medicine. Bill Gates’ CO2 Footprint is Colossal For One Single Man, And He Needs To Be Banned From Doing Business Or Sponsoring Business Activities, Primarily in The Pharmaceutical Industry

PORTOCAL Crypto will support on demand and free medicine. Bill Gates’ CO2 Footprint is Colossal For One Single Man, And He Needs To Be Banned From Doing Business Or Sponsoring Business Activities, Primarily in The Pharmaceutical Industry

Many times our good intentions can harm the world, exponentially more than the actual problem we are trying to find a solution for. Take as example the Diesel engine. When Vin Diesel invented the Diesel engine… Gotcha! You weren’t paying attention to what you just read. Rudolf Diesel saw the petrol engine as highly inefficient in how it burns the fuel, and because of the high octane value of petrol (burning quicker). Diesel wanted to help the world with the invention of a more efficient engine. He wanted to help, and by doing so he promoted a type of hell on Earth, with toxic fumes poisoning our lungs and nature. Diesel’s invention will haunt humanity for at least one thousand years from the moment diesel will be stopped altogether. It’s in our DNA now. What’s your opinion about the Diesel engine in 2021? How many people did it kill? Can you actually quantify the destruction of this invention? All for the sake of being more efficient. Car manufacturers and oil companies jumped on the trend quick, as they saw huge profit in it. Diesel cars break more often, and replacement parts are more expensive, the fuel is more expensive to compensate for the fuel economy, and of course it’s also less costly to produce diesel, as it is seen as a low quality fuel; diesel is obtained faster in the oil refining process than petrol. From a good intention, diesel became one of the most successful and rewarding businesses in the world. 

This is an example of a highly destructive good intention. How is this related to Bill Gates? It’s simple. Let’s consider that he’s got good intentions, despite being a psychopath business man with a lot of money, and shady backing. He is so rich and so invested in the vaccine manufacturing that if he retires his entire pharmaceutical branch, there will be almost no vaccines on the market anymore. Virus based and mRNA (this one is actually gene therapy, not a vaccine) vaccines would definitely go down to zero percent. In this debate he is the “good” guy wanting to save everybody with vaccines. In order to understand the implications of you accepting to get vaccines thinking that your are saving others and the planet, we need to look at the manufacturing process of vaccines. By the end of this article you will probably be shocked to find out that you are actually killing people and nature exponentially more than a non-vaccinated person. If you are to die, your body returns to nature, if it isn’t cremated, but by staying alive and maybe disabled from vaccines, you are actually killing many other people due to a constant vaccine demand, created artificially by aggressive marketing and lies about how your body works. In this case, how it “doesn’t work”. Having vaccines without any assessment to understand if you need it or not is a selfish, deadly act against the planet and the humans you want to protect. In my line of business , in London, I’ve spoken with hundreds of people whose lives have been shattered by the mRNA vaccines. Some with relatives that died shortly after vaccination… The vast majority are stuck with severe issues for life. If you think the swelling of the heart is nasty, wait till you speak with all of these people.

Vaccine manufacturing (and overall the entire medicine industry) is highly DAMAGING for the environment. You can only know this if you’ve worked in the industry. But being naive and complacent doesn’t make you a saint. In this article I will explain my experience as a lab technician in the Large Scale Fractionation of the human blood plasma, with Bio Products Laboratory. I was making Immunoglobulin vaccines, not viral vaccines. To give you a clearer picture, I was extracting the precious antibodies from the human blood, to create vaccines for people with very low or no immunity. If you’d give these people viral based or mRNA vaccines, you’d kill them in a matter of minutes. 

In that lab the raw material was Human Blood Plasma (rich in antibodies developed naturally/by going through diseases, and not through viral vaccines). When people donate in the United States (BPL Plasma centres), there is a whole system in place to collect the precious liquid. This involves a lot of logistics, from building clinics that requires a constant flow of toxic PPE, millions of syringes/needles/plastics, and other single use items that are produced through toxic recycling processes or by new toxic means. After the donation there are tonnes of toxic and hazardous waste being discarded, with some getting recycled again (creating toxicity and CO2), getting burned in special incinerators, or just being dumped in a landfill. Just think at the toxicity of the first stage of the process (plasma collections), as it takes roughly 1,300 donations to keep a patient alive for one year. The UK lab can process roughly 1.5 million litres of plasma each year. Then the plasma is bottled in plastic, and stored in massive freezers at between -40ºC and -60ºC. These freezers create massive quantities of CO2 & CO (deadly), as they are running 24/7, and all over the world. This start of the process is continuous and produces tonnes of toxic waste. The plasma is then shipped to the UK par avion or by sea. Both ways are highly damaging for the environment, putting tonnes of CO2 and CO (the really toxic chemical) into the air. After the transportation stage is completed the plasma is stored in massive freezers again. The process starts, and with it the real toxicity. If you think plasma collection is highly toxic for the environment and humans, wait to see the scale of damage caused by the production of the actual vaccines. All technicians have to wear specific, aseptic PPE. Most of that PPE is discarded multiple times by one single technician. Over a thousand people work in production in that lab. Some PPE like overalls are being cleaned by special companies, irradiated and returned to the lab wrapped in plastics, aseptic again. The overalls can be worn roughly between 40-60 times before being discarded. Many other overalls used in the close proximity of the product cannot be reused and they are discarded after first use. That cannot be recycled, that is hazardous waste. Only the PPE used in the lab produces tonnes and tonnes of hazardous waste, only for processing one batch. That lab can produce roughly five batches a week. Add to that the tonnes of dangerous cleaning chemicals. An aseptic lab does not get aseptic on its own. Cleaning and the substances used are terrifying. There are companies producing these chemicals, and so on… When the plasma processing starts hundreds of tonnes of pure caustic, 99% acetic acid, ethanol and thousands and thousands of cubic metres of WFI (Water For Injection) are being used. Producing the WFI (the purest water on the planet) is a whole independent process altogether. The toxic waste produced by only one lab is over one million tonnes each year, easily. And I’m being generous. Now multiply this number with the number of Pharma labs around the world, and you will understand the sheer size of one of the most deadly industries out there, the Pharma Industry. Of course some patient lives are being saved, but especially with viral vaccines, many healthy individuals are being killed, and the impact on nature is increasingly unprecedented. I understand that it’s not easy to swallow all this information, but you’d better believe it before getting a vaccine, or any other medicine that you don’t need.

Now coming back to Bill Gates, he is one man, a philanthropist with a foundation, pumping billions into supporting new labs and extending existing processes to produce new vaccines. The destruction caused by this man cannot actually be quantified because no one is willing to do it, and it will never be done. He is without a doubt one of the most dangerous criminals of our era! It is up to you to reject and oppose medication that you don’t need, and to study the basics of medicine for a comprehensive image of your health, body, and life. Don’t fight the trend, just reject it silently. By having a vaccine that you don’t need, you are actually killing many people and the environment, contrary to what you’re being told by your financially involved government, that you are protecting the others. I am not saying that these labs should be destroyed, but to not do it for money. Once the Big Pharma scraps profit, you’ll see medicine produced only on demand and only for the ill. This would also reduce the number of these labs exponentially. Accompanying the mRNA production processes, there are separate labs producing the lipids that will host the chimpanzee adenovirus with the RNA sequence meant to penetrate your cells’ wall. And many other damaging processes that I haven’t mentioned here.

A big issue with pumping medicine into a population that doesn’t need it is that millions of people will have their health severely damaged, if not dying from the therapy, in the current context, the mRNA vaccines. The ones with their health irreparably damaged will need more medicine, either anticoagulants, blood pressure pills, etc.. This will increase the need for more destructive pharmaceutical labs being built to satisfy the artificially created demand. It is a circle of madness supported by criminal governments, pseudo-scientists and corrupt medical staff. The main idea you need to take with you is this: the pharmaceutical industry is destroying this planet probably more that the energy sector, as long as it is done for profit. Not staying informed about the background of a situation doesn’t absolve you. It is your moral duty as citizen of the planet to get informed actively and the right way, by studying science, not just the peer reviewed one.

Accepting medication that you don’t need makes you the KILLER, not the protector!

Article by our Founder & CEO

Julian Stan

(highly experienced in immunoglobulin vaccine manufacturing)

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