It’s a crazy prediction, I know, but when did we stop living in a crazy world. Our lives are being controlled and run by big corporations, and the energy industry has always been the most profitable. Profit. What a way to make a living! You have to understand that in the future you will be judged by the CO2 you produce. I truly believe that the true enemies of the planet are CO (highly toxic) and methane, not CO2. The latter is being absorbed by trees and grass and stored in the ground way faster than we can produce it. I have planted so many trees in my life that I can never produce enough CO2 to become a danger for the ecosystem. On the other hand, big corporations have intentionally created a world with CO and too much methane (and many other toxic gases). And the methane is not coming from the cows, but from corporations and governments (the first controls the latter) forcing us to burn methane to warm up the soup. The extra methane in nature comes from industrial activities, it is not naturally produced by animal farts including humans. The biggest danger now comes from drilling for shale gas. Ask yourself why we need methane nowadays, when the uses for electricity are endless and non invasive.
Coming back to the electricity price of the future, I strongly believe that £5 per kWh is the aim. As you’ve seen starting 2020, corporations and governments don’t want you to travel anymore, or even move inside your community. Why? Because you’re “destroying” the planet, that’s why. You are being forced to live in a certain way, and later on you’re the one to blame. Are you though? My answer is no, not when you are being given no other choice. Not when Romania had electric scooters running through Bucharest in 1974, but no big power wanted to pursue that way of living!!! When everyone will be on electricity only, if you know how the economy works, the corporations providing the energy will have full control over your life by setting whichever price they want. Call it a monopoly, a cartel, it’s both. When you are on the same fuel and there is no other alternative, you are trapped. In London for example, the authorities are doing everything in their power to stop people from using their own cars to travel, no matter if yours is electric or not. They’re quite aggressive too, coming up with new charges almost every 2-3 years. So another impact on the normal person is that your driving will be easily controlled and limited through prices with high volatility. You will have no other choice than to travel way less, and contemplate at your fully electric state-of-the-art vehicle parked on the driveway, but which you cannot afford to drive. Oh, the irony… And this is how you have a society spending more time indoors than ever before, and travelling only when the price of the kWH goes down, maybe never. If you own a 100 kWh vehicle it would cost you £500 for one charge, even more if you want to use the fast charge option which carries a premium, of course. When jobs are more and more scarce, wages are going down and bills exponentially up, what is the chance that you’ll afford to charge your precious vehicle to go to the beach? Still think the future is bright within the current system? Only with PORTOCAL [PORT].
Article by our CEO
Julian Stan