PORTOCAL Crypto will support on demand and free medicine. Bill Gates’ CO2 Footprint is Colossal For One Single Man, And He Needs To Be Banned From Doing Business Or Sponsoring Business Activities, Primarily in The Pharmaceutical Industry

Many times our good intentions can harm the world, exponentially more than the actual problem we are trying to find a solution for. Take as example the Diesel engine. When…

Continue ReadingPORTOCAL Crypto will support on demand and free medicine. Bill Gates’ CO2 Footprint is Colossal For One Single Man, And He Needs To Be Banned From Doing Business Or Sponsoring Business Activities, Primarily in The Pharmaceutical Industry

Is Cryptocurrency Money? No Matter What Any Government Or Bank Would Say, Yes, Cryptocurrency Is Money By Any Definition

Yes, Cryptocurrency is money. The ECB President recently reiterated that Cryptocurrency is not money. What can you expect from entities whose main purpose is to keep the integrity of control…

Continue ReadingIs Cryptocurrency Money? No Matter What Any Government Or Bank Would Say, Yes, Cryptocurrency Is Money By Any Definition

We Predict That When The Transition To Full Electric Vehicles Is Complete The Price of One kWh Will Go Above £5

It's a crazy prediction, I know, but when did we stop living in a crazy world. Our lives are being controlled and run by big corporations, and the energy industry…

Continue ReadingWe Predict That When The Transition To Full Electric Vehicles Is Complete The Price of One kWh Will Go Above £5